Learnifier Blog

Product News: Streamline your day with our reports

Written by Ester Andersson | Nov 21, 2022 8:47:37 AM
Learnifier is constantly developing new client-based and project-based reports. You can use them to access information fast and to streamline your work. Today, we take a look at client-based reports "Users Teams", "User Awards", and "Project activity overview".

The "User Teams" report
The "User Teams" report shows you which team your users belong to, or if they don't belong to any team. All without having to enter team view!

This way, you can easily forward user-specific questions to the relevant team manager, instead of spending time navigating through the team view portal. The "User Teams" report is found under the "Reports" tab in the main navigation menu.

The "User Awards" report
The "User Awards" report shows which awards a user has received from which project when it was issued, and when it expires. With this report, you can easily sort out who needs to renew their certificates immediately, as well as get a time estimation for a user to receive a specific award. The "User Awards" report is also found under the "Reports" tab in the main navigation menu.

The "Project activity overview" report
The "Project activity overview report" gives a wide overlook of all your courses. For instance, you can see when learners are enrolled, activated, or have completed the courses – a great way to learn what is popular and what needs to be reviewed. This function is also found under the "Reports" tab in the main navigation menu. 

Get to know our report function
Our report function allows you to take a step back and view things from a wider perspective.
You can use it to download the project-based report "Project Status" to overlook what activities most participants get stuck on, as well as the "Client administrators" report to ensure that only highly relevant people have admin access. Furthermore, the "Course enrollments" report lets you see exactly what courses each learner in a client is enrolled in. Two clicks are all it takes!

Why use reports?

– Let the system free up time finding specific information for you.

– Review courses with the project based report "Project status" to find out which parts are extra tricky and takes longer, and what parts most learners simply scroll past.

– Ensure that the right people have either an admin or instructor role by looking at the "Client administrators" or "Project administrators" report.



Want to learn more about how you can use reports?

Do not hesitate to contact us.


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