Nano learning and micro learning explained
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Nano- and microlearning explained

You have probably heard of 'nano learning' or 'microlearning'. But what do those terms really mean? It's pretty simple: these learning approaches are all about small, focused activities designed to condense key information on a subject, allowing for both efficient delivery and absorption of essential knowledge.

What are nano and microlearning? Imagine learning broken down into mini-lessons, each focusing on a single, specific concept. That's the essence of nano and microlearning. These approaches condense key information into short, focused bursts, allowing you to learn efficiently and retain knowledge effectively. Think of a large course. Nano and microlearning would break it down into smaller, more manageable chunks – like bite-sized snacks for your brain!

Each chunk is a self-contained "nugget" of information, complete in itself. This means you can tackle them at your own pace, understanding each piece without needing to know what comes next.


The benefits of nano and microlearning

Flexibility: Learn on the go! Short bursts fit easily into busy schedules, allowing you to squeeze in knowledge throughout your day.

Improved Retention: Focused learning helps information stick. By concentrating on a single concept at a time, you're more likely to remember it.

• Self-Paced Learning: No pressure to keep up with the class. Learn at your own speed, revisiting nuggets as needed

Looking to create nano and microlearning for your target audience? Let Learnifier help!
You can easily build your courses based on the 'nano learning' or 'microlearning' concepts in the Learnifier platform. The course structure we offer is based on modules and activities that make it simple to apply the 'bite-sized information' approach, along with other useful functionalities.


Would you like to find out how you can create e-learning
that wows, engages, and gives results? 


Learnifier is the leading learning platform in the Nordics. We help hundreds of organizations digitalize and share they knowledge to onboard and train employees, members, partners, suppliers and any other groups important to them.

Rebecca Fisk
Rebecca Fisk