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Structured learning keeps accidents away – how Presto supports companies with compliance training

Presto offers the widest range of workplace safety and security training on the market. Cazzandra Nygren, head of Presto Learning, leads a team of experts in creating engaging and entertaining training programs, even on complex subjects like compliance. Here, she shares her valuable insights.

Founded in 1959 with a focus on fire extinguisher manufacturing, Presto evolved into a service company specializing in fire safety, first aid, and security training. In 2018, the venerable family business became part of Adelis to expand its security services in the Nordics, where it's now a market leader. Presto has also established itself in Germany and continues to strengthen its position in the Nordic market, with sights set on further expansion in Europe.

– It's an incredibly exciting journey to be part of. We've grown from a few hundred to 1,600 employees in just a couple of years. Currently, we train 120,000 participants in Sweden alone and have customers in five different countries, says Cazzandra Nygren, head of Presto Learning.

Coordinating operations across different markets and with a large number of customers presents a significant challenge. However, Presto is well-equipped for this task with its competent teams within the overarching training organization, Presto Training. Within Presto Training, Presto Learning, under Cazzandra's leadership, plays a central role in the company's product development process.

– We work extensively with methods like blended learning and e-learning to implement effective learning processes in modern organizations. What we create in our small but effective team then moves out into our organization and is delivered to our customers.

Further reading: Blended is splendid – why mixed learning is the way forward

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The art of making compliance enjoyable

Presto helps companies provide their staff with necessary legal and compliance training to maintain workplace safety. According to Cazzandra, it's crucial for all modern workplaces to prioritize regulatory compliance, as it reduces the risk of accidents and promotes proactive safety thinking.

– The subject matter is incredibly important, but that doesn't mean the course content needs to feel heavy and complicated.

Cazzandra and her colleagues base their training on various regulatory requirements and then tailor the material to the recipients.

– We focus on creating high-quality, educational, and engaging training. If the content feels exciting, knowledge becomes easier to absorb, which ultimately can lead to saving lives. For us, learning is a dynamic process, and we strive to be both motivating and relevant by keeping ourselves updated with the latest innovations and technologies.

Further reading: Fun training saves lives

The team focuses on constructing environments and scenarios inspired by realistic contexts. Often, 3D animation and illustration are used to demonstrate the consequences of potential missteps.

– This, of course, is the result of quite extensive preparation. The production chain for a new training ranges from order specifications, budget, and schedule to scripting and production. After completing a training, we always conduct a thorough evaluation for future adjustments.


Structured training requires flexible tools

Presto uses Learnifier to create its digital courses. With predefined templates for different purposes and languages, the right information is automatically linked to each project. This allows for a clear structure and scalable reporting to their other course administrative systems, making the entire process simple and efficient.

– The work becomes smooth for both us and the customers. By following these guidelines, we can ensure high quality and simplicity in every step of our work.

To build a systematic and efficient operation like Presto's, many functions need to interact. During the eventful years Cazzandra has been with the company, she has gathered many important lessons. And just like with many technology-driven services, it's the human elements that that the lead.

– Start by creating a clear structure for how you will store, communicate, and work together. Make sure everyone on the team has a say, and don't be afraid to fine-tune your methods as you learn more. Continue to deepen your understanding of your users' experiences and adapt your approach to their needs.

Want to know more about Presto's trainings? Read more here!

presto recording

Watch our full webinar with Cazzandra Nygren here to get more inspiration!





Rebecca Fisk
Rebecca Fisk